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As I write this I’m very aware that we are living in unprecedented times, and none of us knows what will happen day by day. Many of us are in a state of uncertainty and perhaps fear.

One thing we do know however, and that is that our God reigns. In these constantly changing days we must continue to look to Him and seek His face.

Over the last week, like many organisations, we have moved our staff team to working from home. But we haven’t gone quiet and our work continues! In many ways it is even more vital at the moment: many religious minorities around the world have become even more vulnerable during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We ask that you continue to stand with those facing injustice because of their faith; through campaigning, through your giving and through your prayers. Your support in these ways is needed now more than ever. Below you’ll find a few ways you can do that right now.

Be well. We are praying for you - please do continue to pray for all our staff, and for everyone who faces injustice because of their religion or belief.

Mervyn Thomas
Founder and Chief Executive

‘You make it possible for Iranian Christians to keep standing strong in their faith’

Dabrina’s words above moved me deeply. 

Her entire family - her mother, father and brother - have been targeted by the Iranian regime on false national security charges related to their church work. Dabrina spends her days campaigning for justice. 

I’m very aware that the current pandemic of COVID-19 (the coronavirus) means we are living in unprecedented times. Religious minorities are especially vulnerable in any crisis like this, as they are already marginalised; please continue supporting them in any way you can, while also taking care of yourselves. 

Your gift today will help us campaign for people suffering for their faith, and will advance our long-term work to change the systems that imprison them. 

Dabrina told us, ‘My brother Ramiel is a really special person, gifted with joy and a positive attitude. He said to me: “Compared to Christians in other countries like North Korea, where Christians are tortured or killed, we are blessed. I just had to go to prison.”’

China: A crisis that demands a response

Over one million people - mainly Muslims from the Uyghur ethnic group - have been placed in camps in Xinjiang Province in China. 

The government claims these are ‘re-education’ camps. In reality, this is a human rights crisis. 

There are reports of overcrowding, unsanitary conditions and physical and psychological torture. Uyghur families are torn apart, as parents are sent to the camps and children are taken away to state orphanages. One source reported children as young as six months ‘locked up like farm animals.’ 

And it’s not just Uyghur Muslims. Across the country, religious minorities are experiencing increasing government harassment, intimidation and worse.

Our new report shines a light on this crisis and is part of our focus on China in 2020 – look out for campaign actions we'll be asking you to take part in very soon.

‘We are living and speaking in the belief that one day Cuba will be free’

Pastor Alain Toledano Valiente and his wife, Marilin Alayo Correa, have experienced  over twenty years of  intimidation and harassment from the Cuban  government, including having their home and church destroyed not once but twice. 

Despite all this, they’re continuing to preach the gospel and lead their church. They’re just two of the many, many incredible people of faith we know in Cuba who are standing strong in the face of the government’s attempts to control and limit the actions of religious organisations in Cuba.

Marilin has recorded a moving video about her family’s experiences. We want to make sure it’s seen by a global audience - can you help us get the word out?

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CSW is a human rights organisation specialising in freedom of religion or belief, and as Christians we stand with everyone facing injustice because of their religion or belief. CSW, PO BOX 99, New Malden, Surrey KT3 3YF. Registered Charity No. 281836